Infiltration, poor soils, and a high water table overwhelmed the chamber drainfield serving a two-bedroom mobile home in Clayton, Ga. Knowing the owner could not afford to replace it, the Rabun County Environmental Health Department contacted Georgia Conservancy, an environmental organization that secured a $3,300 grant.
Harold Kilgore of Gravelator Systems in Talmo won the design/installation bid. After accounting for setbacks, he found that 2,500 square feet remained for a replacement system. "Three-quarters of the 1.5-acre lot was floodplain with creeks running thought it," he says. "Even what soil evaluators called usable was the best of the worst."
Featuring (in order of appearance):
SJE Rhombus - Single Phase Duplex Demand / Timed Dose Control Panel
(888) 342-5753
Infiltrator Septic Tanks - IM-1060 Septic Tank
(800) 221-4436
Eljen - Passive Advanced Treatment Technology
(800) 444-1359
Video shot by Twins Productions.
"Tight Fit" - Wastewater System Profile - December 2012 Onsite Installer Video
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