Ensuring Quality Concrete Tanks

To get the longest, most effective life out of a concrete septic tank, remember the mix, the mold and your good, reliable manpower to get the job done right.

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How many of you have ever been frustrated during a septic tank installation? My guess is that if we were in a room together, every hand would be raised. Installations have so many variables that the odds of one going perfectly smooth are roughly a million to one. With proper installation being so crucial to the success of the system and ensuring a happy customer, wouldn’t it be great to eliminate some of these variables?

Worry-free installations start with a quality tank. A quality concrete tank takes a great deal of care to consistently produce a quality casting, and several key components are required:


Just what is mix design? Mix design is more than simply coming up with the proportions of each mix component, it is everything that makes the concrete perform well for your application.

Three stages in concrete’s life must be considered when developing the mix: fresh concrete, newly completed concrete, and long-term performance. The requirements for good performance in each of these three stages can actually conflict. A wet, easy-to-place concrete is not likely to be as durable, while an extremely durable concrete will often be difficult to place, causing a completely different set of problems.

One way to get the right mix for your application is to work with a National Precast Concrete Association member. The NPCA has a Plant Certification Program that assures a uniformly high degree of excellence in plant facilities, production, processes and quality control. This program holds members to a higher standard of quality in the proper concrete mix and final product.


The mold is used to create the final shape of the hardened concrete. People often give very little thought to the molds and are only concerned about the finished product. A quality mold is crucial to achieving a quality casting.

A quality mold will be made from at least 7-gauge steel, with the proper reinforcing to maintain straightness in the mold walls and therefore the casting. When a mold is not properly constructed, the quality of the casting will degrade as the mold gets older. A well-built mold will produce the same casting for many years.

The joint-forming material should be made from solid machined steel in the mold itself. Tongue and groove is preferred. This will create a straight, consistent joint easily sealed for watertightness. With a machined steel joint on the mold, you will get consistent quality for all your tanks.

Finally, the method of releasing the concrete from the mold must be consistent and uniform. Without a consistent stripping method, cracks and microfractures can and will occur. Many times cracks will not even be noticed by visual inspection, but will show themselves in the form of a leaking tank months after installation. There are many different methods of stripping, but the most consistent method is hydraulic lifting of the tank.


Employees are the most valuable asset of any company. It is our responsibility to treat them with respect and provide the proper training. Fortunately, organizations exist to help train wastewater professionals on industry best practices.

The National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association is dedicated to educating and representing members in the onsite and decentralized wastewater industry. Our members include educators, regulators, engineers, contractors, manufacturers, suppliers, service providers and other parties dedicated to protecting water resources and the environment.

Your staff and suppliers can learn a great deal about best practices and new market opportunities through NOWRA. There are state affiliates throughout the U.S. onsite professionals can join. If your state does not have an onsite organization, you can join NOWRA directly by visiting our website, www.nowra.org. The long-term payoff is well worth it.

Much like life, installations will always come with their own frustrations. Working with quality products will always be better and safer than taking shortcuts. This results in higher customer satisfaction and larger profits for your company.


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