Daycare Expansion Relies on New Treatment Technology

An Arkansas child care facility spins its wheels to handle its wastewater load; installers and industry manufacturers gain approval for a solution not yet approved by the state

Daycare Expansion Relies on New Treatment Technology

Kevin Phipps, left, stands ready to distribute sand among the AES pipes while Brook Cannedy, in the mini-excavator, adds more sand for the dispersal bed at a day care center in Garfield, Arkansas. (Photos courtesy of BBB Septic and Portable Toilets)

When the day care center in Garfield, Arkansas, ran out of onsite options, it was actually a good thing. Piper Satterfield, septic system design specialist at BBB Septic and Portable Toilets in Bentonville, Arkansas, summarized the backstory:

The day care owner, licensed by the...

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