Undulating Terrain, Poor Soils and a Small Footprint Present Design Challenges for Zekai “Doc” Nazikoglu

Aerobics and a seepage pit provide the answer to serve a main house and mother-in-law cottage on a compact California lot

Undulating Terrain, Poor Soils and a Small Footprint Present Design Challenges for Zekai “Doc” Nazikoglu

 After flowing through the existing septic tank (not pictured), wastewater at the Redlands lot moves through a Jet aerobic unit and then to a pair of seepage pits. (Photos courtesy American Septic Services Inc.)

The city of Redlands is 63 miles east of Los Angeles, still part of urban Southern California but not entirely served by sewer.

“Because of the topography, there are a lot of little canyons. They couldn’t have gravity-flow sewer for the whole city, so a large percentage of...

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